I had a superb weekend in the northeast at the American Epilepsy Society conference, and met some amazing people who have dedicated their lives to helping children with Epilepsy.
Seth Wohlberg, Susan Axelrod, and I met to discuss what we are doing with The Hemispherectomy Foundation, The RE Children's Project (being founded by Seth), and many other topics. Seth's daughter, like Jessie, underwent a right Hemispherectomy for Rasmussen's, and Susan's grown daughter had a life full of epilepsy, but is now seizure free. Susan is obviously very passionate about her work, and that was apparent as she talked to us for nearly an hour about her daughter (who actually called during our meeting), and her work with CURE (Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy) http://www.cureepilepsy.org/home.asp
Susan's passion was only exceeded by her friendliness and warm nature. She's a parent, like us, who's child faced tremendous hardships, and who created something positive. She told how excited that she was to meet "The Rasmussen's Dads". Seth and I both like the name...who knows, it may stick. Anyway, it was a great meeting, and evidently Susan liked it as well, as she blogged about it on the CURE website. Check it out here > http://presidentscorner.cureepilepsy.org/ Earlier that morning we had the honor of meeting with Dr. Frances Jensen of Children's Hospital in Boston. Dr. Jensen will be the president of the American Epilepsy Society in 2012. She also spoke with Seth and I for about an hour. She is on fire about "out-of-the-box" research. She is really excited about how research into Rasmussen's Encephalitis has the chance to help the Epilepsy Community as a whole. I must say, Seth and I are excited about that as well. By the time our meeting ended, I was fired up and ready to take on anything. She is going to make a super president of AES, and I look forward to working with her over the years.
Clockwise, starting from the lower left is yours truly, then Seth, Philip Overby (Seth's daughter's neurologist from Stamford, CT), Ken Laxer from UCSF, Dr. Andermann from Montreal Neurological Institute (Also worked with Dr. Rasmussen years ago, was instrumental in early Rasmussen's research, and member of the Hemi Foundation MAB), Dr. Hernandez from Cook Children's in Fort Worth (member of the Hemi Foundation MAB), and Dr. Mathern from UCLA (Co-Chair of The Hemi Foundation MAB)
1 comment:
I saw this last night, Cris! What an awesome weekend. All of the new things you learned must have your head spinning. This says volumes about the new contacts you made, as well as meeting so many from your own Medical Advisory Board. I told you before you left you would come back full of new energy. We are very proud of you and Kristi for all the work and energy the two of you have put into your Foundation. We love you.
Mom and Dad
Cheyenne, WY
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