Saturday, February 23, 2008

Happy New Year!!! Welcome 2008!!!


Happy New Year to Everyone! We are so optimistic abou the New Year. Jessie has only had one Simple Partial Seizure since she went on steroids, the twitching is gone and she is regaining function in her left hand and fingers. She does a "peace sign" or "peace baby" as we call it very well, and she is starting to use her left hand again. It is so wonderful to see and so encouraging that maybe we have this thing beaten.

We went out with our friends Tim, Diane, Casey, and Jared last night and had a good time. We ended up back at our place singing on Jessie's Kareokee machine. She was furious that we kept her up singing on HER christmas "singing machine". We may have had one two many beers or glasses of wine, but it was a fun time to celebrate Jessie and life in general.

The boys played video games upstairs until way past their bed-time. They enjoyed their own paradise.


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