Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Straight "A"s

We're so proud of Jessie for her first 6 weeks of school, she received straight "A"s. She was quite pleased with herself, and that was the best part of it. Hopefully if she likes getting good marks, it will motivate her to keep it up.

If only we could see this from our "Fully Brained" Boys. Actually, they did pretty well also.

The first 6 weeks is always the easiest, but it was a GREAT way to start for Jessie, considering that she started the year off with shunt surgery due to hydrocephalus.

Also, The Hemi Foundation Christmas Card fund raiser has started. Please buy your cards this year in support of these amazing Kids. You can check out the ART work and order from The Hemi Foundation at




Anonymous said...

oh boy, how proud of her are we! Love you, Gram & Papa

Brande J. said...

Yeah Jessie! That is awesome! Keep up the great work.