Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We Saw Jessie!

We just saw Jessie come out of recovery on her way to PICU. She is breathing on her own and is moving her right side already. It will be a while before we see anything on the left side. She only lost 2 units of blood - your prayers have been working! Dr. Carson said she did great and "expects great things." By the way, Dr. Carson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom today . . . .

We get to go see Jessie in about 30 minutes. We can't wait!

Love you all,



Anonymous said...

God is Great! The Miracles of Prayer and the strength of a child!
Nothing but amazing!
Ann Marie Jones
Aledo, Tx

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! We will continue lifting Jessie and you up in our prayers! God is in control!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that things have gone so well to this point. I pray that recovery is just as smooth.

Hugs & kisses from Waxahachie Texas

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!! He is watching over you and your family! You are in our thoughts and prayer.

Barbara Hoover
Bedford TX

Anonymous said...

That is GREAT news!! Jessie has such a fighting spirit. Your family is in our thoughts & prayers.

Barry, Marti & Vincent Howell

Anonymous said...

Prayers are with you and your family.
Laura - Dallas,TX

Anonymous said...

That sweet Jessie... I knew she would do great... Ya'll are awesome..Susie

Anonymous said...

Thanks be to God!!!

Anonymous said...

piwe are glad that the surgery is over and now our prayer are with yall on a speedy recovery....May god bless u all...
megan, bobby, samantha, triston
kennedale, tx

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! We are so happy! Now she (and you) can begin to heal.

Anonymous said...

Praise God! I am sure you can hear everyone here in TEXAS sigh...thank you for the update! God is an AMAZING GOD!!! We will continue to pray for you! Again, thank you for hte amazing prompt update! I know you must be beaming from your glimpse of Jessie. May you hold her in your arms very soon!

Lots of hugs from Texas!

Anonymous said...

Prayers for Jesse and the medical team. May GOD continue to guide them and Jesse will have a speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

Yeah God! Get a mental picture of what just played out at my house. I ran outside to my daughter to let her know Jessie is out of surgery. Kaity(my daughter -5th grader at Stuard) was jumping on the trampoline at our neighbors house with her friend Addy. I yelled " Jessie is out of surgery- she is doing great!" The 2 little girls dropped down from the trampoline and hugged each other "yeah Jessie!" they screamed...Addy ran in to tell her mom. We may be geographically in Aledo but our hearts have been in Baltimore ALL DAY with you.
Debbie Henrietta

Anonymous said...

The power of prayer from people all over is great. Jessie's strong will and great attitude will get her and you through this. I will continue to pray daily and hope that this will bring you back your healthy child. God Bless you and your family!
Pasadena MD

Anonymous said...

We are vacationing in Cancun, but are following precious Jessie on her miraculous journey. We've been praying all day and are so happy to read the latest updates. God has her right under His wing, and we appreciate the updates. We have tears of joy!

Traci Cottrell
Aledo, TX (via Cancun, Mexico)

Anonymous said...

Prayers to Jessie and her family. She is a well loved child and it shows.

Just wanted to say that Dr Carson was my son's doctor and he is such a wonderful man and your daughter is in good hands with his gifted hands.

Anonymous said...

From Cheyenne, WY
The wonderful power of prayer! Your family has truly been blessed. We will continue the prayers.

We Love you and God Bless your family.

The Merritt's

The Cassaday Family said...

I will tell Brennan and Maddi the OUTSTANDING news - we will keep you in our prayers - God Bless the Hall Family!

The Cassaday's
Willow Park, TX

Anonymous said...

I have been waiting all day to hear how Jessi's surgery went...I cried at work...I have been following her story for some time, watching her bounce down the side walk without a care in the world!!! What a beautiful little girl you have...I have noticed that Kristi doesnt post...tell her to stay strong, GOD is with her!!! Kisses and hugs to Jessi and her so loving family. She is definiately an angel from above. Love from Texas!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking the time to update everyone. I only read the blog this morning, but have thought of little else all day. God Bless You All!!

Megan Lacefield said...

Praise God!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is the best news all day, that she is out of surgery and doing so well! Our thoughts and prayers are with you, and will continue to be. You are all in the palm of GOD'S Hands. Praise be to God for answering prayer!
Love from home in Aledo,
Michael, Angie, Michaela & Jake Owen

Anonymous said...

Praise God!!! We will continue to be praying as you begin the recovery process. What an AMZING little girl you have!
Jackie Schutza
New River Fellowship

Anonymous said...

Conitued prayers with Jessie and your family.

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hear the great news! We will continue praying for you and your family.

Aledo Country Day Aacademy

Cameron's Blog said...

Hey guys. What wonderful news. I have been reliving these moments with you and could not be happier. I appreciate the link to the news and really look forward to getting our girls together tooooooo run, laugh and play. Hang in there and get some rest over the next few nights. Love the Motts.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing little girl, and an amazing family!! Wishing all of you the best, and you are in my prayers!
A. Coffey
Mt. Pleasant, TX

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus!

It is windy in Aledo, undoubtedly from the collective sigh of relief from the community! :)

Enjoy your time with your baby and try to get some rest tonight.

Anonymous said...

Dear Hall Family,

What wonderful news!! We are so happy that the surgery went well and we will continue to keep Jessie in our prayers!


Your Alcon Friends

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus! I'm so glad that everything went smoothly. We're still praying here in Denton TX!

Anonymous said...

To God be the glory! I'm a pediatric nurse from Baltimore County and very familiar with Johns Hopkins and Dr Ben Carson. Thinking and praying for your beautiful little girl and the whole family. God bless you, Jessie- you rock!

Anonymous said...

God is with Jessie, holding her in His Hands. He is also holding you all. I just thought of that song I learned as a small child in Sunday school. JESUS LOVES THE LITTLE CHILDREN!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am a child of God
And he has sent me here
Has given me an earthly home
With parents kind and dear

Lead me, guide me, walk beside me
Help me find the way
Teach me all that I must do
To live with Him someday

Anonymous said...


I love you!


Aledo, TX

Anonymous said...

I have just started following your little princesses story this week- after hearing about it on the radio! She has been in my prayers ever since. You 2 are some very STRONG-WONDERFUL parents! I was so happy to hear she is out and breathing on her own! Thank God! Your entire family will be in my thoughts and prayers for now on!
Kara Weaver
Ft. Worth, TX

Anonymous said...

God works miracles. Our prayers will continue for Jessie and family.

Love from Palestine, TX

Anonymous said...

Praise God!!! Rylie and Stephanie along with me, Saretta (Kass's mom) have been praying for all of you today...Our prayers will continue tomorrow...we love you Saretta, Rylie, and Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Just saw the story on CBS11 here in Dallas Fort Worth. Wonderful coverage! They say they will be reporting from there tonight at 5pm, 6pm and 10pm.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad everything went so well!! We've been talking about her and praying for her and your family all day!

The Chambers Family

Lara said...

I've been praying all day! I'm so glad to hear she's made it through the surgery!

Anonymous said...

My thoughts have been with you for weeks and especially all day today. I used to live in Ft W and my daughter came down with seizures when she was about 4. She was also treated at Cooks Medical in Ft W. She is 22 now. We moved to New Hampshire years ago and she developed intractable epilepsy. But seven weeks ago she had a left frontal resection up here in New Hampshire(DHMC). Drs did not give us great odds 50/50. But with God's help she is doing GREAT...just like Jessie will. I have seen first hand how God works with the DRs...God bless all of you!! I really know that Jessie will be fine.

Anonymous said...

I just found Jessie's story today, read the entire blog and have accomplished absolutely nothing at work! When I wasn't reading, I was praying and I have to say I can't think of a better way to have spent my time! GodSpeed in your recovery, Jessie! Continue to believe in the Power of Prayer!...and the Power of Pink!!!

Kim in Flower Mound, Texas

Anonymous said...


You Go Girl!!!

Anonymous said...

You all are in 0ur prayers. Praise God for His miracles.
May God continue to bless and touch Jessie and may she make a fast full recovery! your family here in Baltimore is praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

Our family has Jessie, and you, her parents, her siblings and all of your family in constant prayer. She is in the best place she can be and God's amazing grace brought Dr. Carson and you together.
In love and prayer

Anonymous said...

Isn’t God GREAT! I’ve been following the surgery all day today on the Internet and have just seen where Jessie is out and you’ve finally gotten the chance to see her. I can NOT even imagine what this day has been for you – let alone the last ten months!! I know that it’s only by God’s grace and prayers nationwide that you’ve had the strength to persevere. Jessie is absolutely amazing, a testimony to her upbringing and God’s faithfulness. Am continuing to pray a “double portion” for Jessie’s healing and rehab! Give that precious little girl a hug from me!

Love to you all,
Jan Wilson

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord...God is Good....My family has been praying for you and your little girl....I am so glad to hear she is out of surgery and doing good....I will keep you in my prayers...Thank you Jesus....
Tia Rhodes
Mesquite, Tx

Anonymous said...

To God Be the Glory!

Jessie continues to minister to so many across the globe! What a blessing she is to all of us!

God will continue to bless you and keep you through this continuing journey. There are greater things on the horizon if I know Jessie.


Anonymous said...

I just saw your story on the news and started reading your blog. I'm praying for Jessie and your family. It's pretty clear that your little girl is one tough cookie, and is dealing with this unimaginably tough thing better than most adults ever could!

Hang on to eachother, and you will all get through this together. I pray that Jessie have a speedy recovery!

Anonymous said...

To the Halls- Aledo Athletic games many prayers tonight on fields.
We are thinking of you all

Anonymous said...

All Praise and Glory to the Lord!!!A group us gathered at the front of your house at 6:30 a.m. this morning to lift Jessie, your whole family and the team of doctors up in prayer. We have been anxiously awaiting the good news! Keep being SO strong!! You are ALL an inspiration to us.
The Andringa Family

Anonymous said...

Jesus loves the little children!!! What mighty strength such a little girl can have! Keep your eyes upon Him and he will make your path straight!! I know He has great things planned for you little girl!! I'm so thrilled that everything went well!!
Westminster MD

Anonymous said...

Praise God and may He continue to watch over you all!
Love from Aledo,
Penny Brown

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! i just read about it on wjz's website and i was thrilled! Shes such a strong spirited child and with hopes she will be back to walking and using her left side in no time :)

Love and prayers
Crumpton MD

Unknown said...

God is Great! My prayers have been with you and your amazing little girl. Also, the doctors and nurses. I am so glad that she is doing well.

Anonymous said...

GREAT NEWS on the surgery!
Jessie has been touched by God's loving hand. Continued prayers for a speedy recovery.

Love & continued prayers from TEXAS!

Anonymous said...

Awesome news! God Bless, thanks for sharing your lives and feelings in the blog. The families of Maryland will continue to keep Jessie and your whole family in our prayers.
Love, Erin
Joppatowne, MD

Anonymous said...

Such good news!
The power of Prayers, the Miraclees of God, the Talent of Dr. Carson , With the LOVE of Family & Friends - all great things. Happens.
The Pauli Family
Cheyenne, Wy

Anonymous said...

So relieved to read that the surgery was such a success. . .thinking of you all!!!

from Michigan

Anonymous said...

We will continue to pray! Can't wait to give you all a hug! Love you so much, KIMMY

Anonymous said...

Just heard about Jessie on the web in a cooking/friends group I am in. We are praying she makes a quick recovery. God bless you all and Jessie is such a cutie.
Christine & Henry in Ohio

Anonymous said...

Dear Father in Heaven, Thank you for listening to our prayers and for being so gracious in answering them. You gave us the miracle we were wanting - hardly any blood loss and a surgery that was 1/2 the time it was expected to be. We thank you. Thank you also for guiding Dr. Ben Carson and his team, and for helping Jessie's body react so positively. Thank you for sending Cris, Kristi and Jessie's grandparents much peace, love and comfort. May we also ask that tonight you please help Jessie's body begin to heal and for her parents and grandparents to get the rest they need. Please also send many guardian angels to watch over Jessie as she sleeps and heals and until she is ready to be moved to a regular hospital bed. We thank you for loving Jessie and her family and for watching over them like only You can. In the name of Jesus Christ - Amen.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious whether you will be using Neurofeedback in her recovery efforts. I've seen miraculous things with this treatment modality.

Garland, TX

Anonymous said...

Dear Hall Family,
It was so good to meet you at Kindergarten graduation and see Jessie again. We have been praying for your family for a long time and so have people here in Roswell, NM, that we have told about Jessie. Thank you for all of the updates! May God Bless all of you. Sydney Smith's grandparents in New Mexico. Sydney loves Jessie and also has been praying for her.
Jan and Wynell Richards
Roswell, NM

Unknown said...

What a Great Blessing! I have been following your story since you came to Baltimore. May God continue to Bless Jessie and your family.

Kevin Mfume
Baltimore, MD

Anonymous said...

What a powerful god we have. Good things happen to good people. Jessie will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jessie,

We are praying for you and we know you will do well because you are so brave. I can't wait to see you.

Sophie Collins
(Randy, Jennifer, and Noah Collins)

Anonymous said...

praise be to god..ill continue to pray for u jessie.much love from cumberland,md.kisha.

Anonymous said...

I read your whole blog this afternoon, and I am in tears knowing that the surgery went well! I will keep reading the blog for updates. Congratulations to Jessie on making it this far.

--D in Baltimore

Stacy Nicholson said...

Thank you for taking the time to update us. Reading your updates bring back so many memories. I understand what you all are going through right now. It is hard to believe Cameron’s surgery was one year ago! I look forward to following Jessie’s amazing recovery and I look forward to meeting you all someday!

Sending love and prayers,
Stacy Nicholson
Cameron’s Aunt
Woodbridge, Virginia

Anonymous said...

Praise God! We will continue to keep the Hall family in our prayers and for Jessie's full recovery.

Love from
Paul & Rita Madey (BNSF & NRF)
Weatherford, TX

Anonymous said...

I am praying and following the updates all day. Stay strong and keep looking up. It is already apparent that God is using this situation to get many of us closer to Him.

Dave Ali

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to share with you what my daughter Kara (another Stuard child)just commented on being so appropriate for you today.

Our motivational calendar quote for the day has to do with CHALLANGE--The harder the conflict, the more glorius the triumph!


Jessie, you go girl!

Anonymous said...

I just saw Denise Koch's story about Jessie's surgery and I'm so happy for your family that everything seems to be going well so far. We're all praying for you.

Baltimore, MD

mominaledo said...

I can't imagine how relieved you must be that the surgery is finished. Praise God! Carrie

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you.We are from Euless,Texas but now live here in Baltimore.God is great and he will look after Jessie.
Vickie Rutledge-Ramage

Anonymous said...

Being a mom, I can only imagine what relief and joy you must feel. My thoughts and prayers are with Jessie and your whole family. God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

I finally got to a computer today to be able to check on Jessie. I have been Praying for Jessie and all of you all day today and Praying to find good news here. It is wonderful to see the great news that she is doing so well!! There was a huge turnout(appox. 68) at our church youth group tonight...all Praying for Jessie. Thanks so much for taking the time to keep everyone updated! God Bless your family and the Prayers continue for all of you...all the way from Georgia.

Anonymous said...

Our family will pray for a speedy recovery for Jessie and for your family, she is a brave girl!

The Holmes Family

Anonymous said...

Dear Jessie,
I love you so much. You bring me such happiness - and laughter, of course. I wanted to share something with you. I have never prayed harder in all my life for anything or anyone - ever. It was a great experience for me and I am thankful for the privilege to do that for you. I never knew I could pray so hard- thank you Jessie. I also didn't know I could be so worried over someone else, like I have been for you. I wish I was there right now and I would be putting up pink ribbons on all of the trees on the JHH property. I would do that so people would see pink and know it was for you, and to remind you that so many people loved you and have been praying for you. Jessie, you have carved out a huge place in my heart which is just for you. I love you so, so much and I am very happy that you no longer have R.E. You are my special pinkalicious friend and I am giving you the biggest hug ever right this minute! Your Friend - Caren

Anonymous said...

Thank you God for delivering this child safely through this ordeal. It is evident that You guided the doctor's hands. Be with Jessie and her family to give them the much needed peace and rest. Amen

It is so obvious that there are angels among us and Jessie is one of them.

From a fellow Texan and a Red Raider Mom


Anonymous said...

Great News! Our prayers are with you.

The Moreheads

Anonymous said...

Jessie, WE LOVE YOU!!!!

Kelly said...

YAY! I know you guys are so relieved! Now the joyful recovery begins - keep track of each and every little milestone .... they are so precious. Abby and I will be in Northern Virginia next week and would love to swing by for a bit if you are up to it.
Kelly Dawson

Anonymous said...

Your precious daughter Jessie has been in my thoughts and prayers all day. May she have a swift and successful recovery.

Anonymous said...

I go to Camp Thurman in Arlington. Yesterday, my friend Tyler and I told our counselor at lunch about Jessie. Our group prayed for her luck in the surgery. At the end of the day we prayed for her again. Today, we prayed for her recovery. Tomorrow I will tell my group the good news.
Kate M.
Aledo, Tx

Anonymous said...

God has blessed you, your beautiful daughter and your awesome surgeon! Today is a great day to "feel" the Lords presence!! We will keep your entire family in our prayers.

The Mathis Family
Granbury TX

Anonymous said...

God is good!

I am so happy Jessie's surgery went well. I will continue to pray for her and the family.

Rachel Crosby
Dallas, TX

Anonymous said...

ITS AMAZING HOW THIS HAPPENS! anyway as soon as you guys can let me know when you want me to get started on the CD.

Jessie is the strongest most beautiful bravest girl ive ever heard or seen of.


oohhhh thank you Lord

OMG! i am so relieved and happy, I can only imagine how happy and relieve You and CRIS are!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristi and Cris,

I am so happy to hear that things are going well. You have been in my thoughts over the last days, and you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Way to go Jessie!!


Ann Stoermer (Emily's mom)

Anonymous said...

We are so happy the surgery went well! Our family has been praying. God is good all the time!

Purvis family

Anonymous said...

God Bless his little angel.We are praying for you with much Love.
Love to you,
Evelyn Airey
Middle River,MD

Anonymous said...

These next few days will be a trial of your faith;I remember when both my kids had brain surgery.It was so hard the first couple days,I learned from my kids that some things bothered them.From my son the mylar balloons little sway,the bright lights and the group of doctors,interns & residents in and out of the room;my son asked for a note on the door,Keep out.My daughter after two days was doing better.I learned from my kids not to hover over them;to let them be normal;that is all my daughter wanted was to be treated normal.It was hard not to treat her special or kept asking how do you feel? I was scared taking them home from the hospital.The hospital was a secure environment;when I got them home,I was on my own.They both could not wait to get to school.What if someone bumped them or they hurt? I was told from my kids;"Mom,when I hurt or feel something is wrong,I will let you know;do not keep me in a bubble,I want to be a normal kid" I bit my tongue so much!Having a couple dogs around the house helped alot too!The dogs grew to know when the kids were going to be sick,they also deferred some of the pain.When I felt the kids needed a rest,I asked if they would give each of the dogs some lovin'time(it is a good quiet time)While you are there in the hospital;look around at all the miracles happening and the little bodies with such tremendous trust in their parents and doctors!That is the trust you must have in God.Christi, no more tears,this is all Gods plan;what are you going to do with it? You could maybe since you have the publicity;really go with this and promote Jessies condition and help children across the United States and bring awareness to so many more people.Just a passing thought.My thoughts pass so quickly.You as parents will learn so much this week;not only from Jessie girl,but from all the children you meet.I wish you well and pray for your strength to get through this new path,travel it well !!!!

Anonymous said...

I prayed for all of you, including
Dr. Ben Carson. What a beautiful
little girl you have. I have kept
up with the updates all day and
am so happy to hear everything
went so well. You will all stay
in my prayers. I pray that Jessie
will have a smooth recovery and
be back to being a precious little
6 year old girl full of life and
energy real soon! God bless all
of you.

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your incredible family. You are an inspiration. Lori Espinosa Aledo, Tx.

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear how things are going! We have been thinking of you all everyday. we are so happy for you.
The Barry Family,Mark,Nicole,Cameron,Carson and Ashley

Hollis said...

Our thoughts are with you and hoping for a smooth recovery from a kid who looks like one tough cookie! My daughter Hollis will be getting her hemispherectomy on July 11 at Children's Hospital Boston. She had a stroke in utero, and has lived with up to 50 seizures a day for all of her eight years! We're hoping for the best with the surgery. I'll be keeping tabs on your kiddo's recovery. All the best - Jess from Wakefield, MA

Anonymous said...

Kristi and Cris:
Many of us from work have been watching the progress on the blog as well as the Channel 13 link today. Emails have been flying around with a lot of excitement. Everyone is so happy that the surgery went as well as it did. I pray for a speedy recovery and that the next couple of days be as positive as today was. In the videos you both looked very much at peace, all-be-it understandably nervous, in such a difficult time. May God continue to bless Jessie, her medical staff, and your family. Brandon, my 9 year old, asked today out of the blue how it went. We hope for all of the best. Hang in there!!!

Erik Muegge

Me said...

Prayers are with your family. I've been seeing/hearing constant news coverage today. The power of prayer and community (world-wide) is so important.

Go Jessie and Go Halls!

Jackie Waltrip

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with your family. Way to go Jessie! We admire your strength, courage, and attitude! You rock! Jacob misses you!

Much love from Aledo, TX
The Shelton family - Brian, Penny, Jacob & Luke

Biatriz said...

I've been following your story and have been amazed by the wonderful spirit within Jessie. God is definitely in her corner and will continue to bless her and your family. I truly believe in the power of prayer and what is happening here is a great testimony of God's love. May God continue to watch over and bless the Hall family as Jessie's begins her recovery.

Biatriz Chapa
Fort Worth, TX

Anonymous said...

Cris and Kristi

We are so happy for Jessie. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your entire family.

Marcus, Shannon, Jaxon and Josh

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all went well! Been thinking about you guys and watching wjz for the updates. Hope Jessie can have one of those milkshakes before too long. Take care and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

More of Jessie's Angels in MD,
Wendy, Tony, Kendal and Sydney Joyce/ Fort Meade

Anonymous said...

Praise, Glory and Honor be to our Lord God Almighty!! I have done nothing but read the blogs and pray and watch updates and pray, thank you for your faith and hope. The fruits of the spirit your family displays is so refreshing. You have such a precious little princess and she has such a beautiful spunky spirit! We will continue praying for Jessie and your family. God is blessing you but you know that!

We love you Jessie!!!
p.s. Savannah Williams (Ms. Huckabee's class) says she loves you and is praying everyday and will see you soon.

Thomas and Tiffany Marable
Savannah Williams, Nate Marable, Caroline,
Billy and Ashley Mathis and Slade
Bill and Sharon Pate

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for the way He has worked out Little Jessie's situation. When we put our trust in God, He will do just what we ask of Him.
Jessie and her family are in my prayers daily.
And I praise God for the saints at their church. They are warriors on their jobs. Your pastor has done what God has required of him:taught his people!!! Blessing to each of you!

Anonymous said...

What an amazing little girl! Wishing all of you the best, and you are in my
prayers !..
Deanna Newsom
Gainesville, Tx.

Anonymous said...

Always remember GOD is in control and he has a reason and a plan for everything we endure! You both are special people with a wonderful blessing named Jessie!! May GOD continue to bless you and keep you!

Anonymous said...


Did anyone read Jessies little friends comments?? Caren her friend from her hometown wrote something like.."I didnot think I could love someone this much,miss you...I wish I could tie pink ribbons outside of Hopkins in the trees and gates." could someone please do that? Take a photo and then send to WJZ tv or to Jessies hometown tv station? I am disabled and live 50 miles from Hopkins.Otherwise I would do it myself.
What joy and peace to give Caren to know that everyone in Baltimore cares so much.Please someone just tie the ribbons take the photo and then take the ribbons down if Hopkins complains ( although I do not think they will)
Thank you for your generousity to anyone that can do it !!!!!
jean vaccarino from Carroll County Maryland