Evidently, here in the Northeast, there is a thing called Duck-Pin Bowling. It is similar to regular bowling, except that the pins are little and the balls are little and you get to throw 3 balls per frame. So Kennedy Krieger Institute rehab center took all the kids out to bowl. They let us tag along, and let the boys bowl too. It was a blast for all the kids.
Thanks KKI. - Cris
Oh wow look!! Jessie standing upright! I can't help but have tears each morning when I read your blog. I found it funny that you didn't know duckpins! I thought that was everywhere, that is so funny and yes different from the 10 pins for sure. I'm glad to see you all having fun as a family. I pray each day for Jessie and the others at Johns Hopkins and KKI and everyone else. Have a great 4h of July!! Karen in Baltimore.
Jessie, that looks like so much fun. In 2 weeks since we've seen you, you are looking fantastic. That smile is getting less and less crooked (you must be smiling a lot to exercise those muscles). I'm glad to see you standing and playing with your brothers. Abby and I always that siblings are the BEST therapy.
Have a great 4th! Kelly and Abby
I stumbled upon your blog a while back before the surgery and have read it every morning! All I can say is God is good....no matter what, He is good....I look at her smile and just think 'To God be the glory!!' as I'm sure you do every day. Amazing....simply amazing!
Kristy in Texas
Happy Fourth of July Hall family! Enjoy and hopefully you can catch a glimpse of the fireworks over the Inner Harbor (downtown Baltimore) tonight! That would be awesome for Jessie and boys to see.
Tammy White and family!
Hi Chris, Kristi, Jessie, and family,
I am so happy to see you having so much fun together. Jessie looks absolutely beautiful and that smile of hers is precious.
Take care,
WOW!! Jessie girl!! That precious smile just gets wider, happier, and less crooked every day in every way! Keep on having fun, fun, fun with your brothers and family, and you'll be back in texas before you know it..and home!
Hugs little darlin' Jo Jo
Wow! When I received a phone call on July 4th from Jessie I couldn't help but cry. He voice was so strong and clear. What a miracle. She has been on our church Prayer Chain since the outset of her problems so I immediately updated those dedicated people about my phone call. Thanks to Granddad Kelley for thinking of us and giving us a call. Bill, your Granddad's business partner, was at the Edmond 4th parade so I had an exclusive visit. Bowling sounded like a lot of fun. I had to educate our OK folks about duck bowling. Our prayers continue for you Jessie, Macey and all the other children at John Hopkins. Diane from Edmond, OK
There are several nice letters (and some pictures) that were written and sent in about Jessie and her family in the Parker County Kids Magazine this month.
The theme was Changing Our World, and I think Jessie has certainly done that!
Anyone can read it online at www.parkercountykids.com
Enjoy the read!
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