Saturday, February 23, 2008

2nd Opinion - Johns Hopkins Medical Center - Baltimore, Maryland


Thanks to some advice from our new friend Shelly in North Carolina, and a lot of research, we know that we need to go to Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore Maryland for a second opinion or at least a diagnosis confirmation. The top Rasmussen's experts in the nation is there at Johns Hopkins. Her name is Dr. Vining

I have picked up the CDs that contain 5 MRIs, 2 PETs, Many minutes of Video EEG, and other information. Our Neurologist wants the second opinion from Johns Hopkins as badly as we do and they have bent over backwards to get the information faxed over and get appointments set up for us in Baltimore.

We will be flying out as soon as everything is arranged. They are all so great at Cooks. We have not had to do a thing to coordinate with Johns Hopkins, and Our doctor has already been in contact with Dr. Vining.

If the diagnosis is concerned by Johns Hopkins, we are not sure where we will have the surgery done.

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