Today, Jessie had her 1st Sleep Deprived EEG or any EEG for that matter. This proceedure is to see if the electrical activity in her brain is normal. i.e. doesn't have any hyper excitement spikes or areas of abnormal slowing. This is a great test for Jessie because she got to have 20 or so pretty wires glued to her head and forced to look into strobe lights and hyperventilate to try to make her have a seizure. She didn't. Sound fun?
This is great for Mom and Dad too, because we get to keep her up late and wake her up early. Luckily Kristi took the 4:00AM wake-up duty, and I gladly took Jessie to her EEG appointment.
Also, Today Kristi received the Technical Excellence Award in Research & Development at Alcon Laboratories. We are all so proud of her achievements.
Uncle Mark, Aunt Michelle, and Justin were down from Cheyenne, Wyoming for a visit. We had a great time swimming and playing together and just enjoying their company. Matt, Jake, Josh, and Jessie LOVE their big-kid cousin Justin and Justin is so good to them.
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