Thanks Lee Ann for a GREAT picture. -Cris
An update on Noah:
Noah, at last word is doing great. He is walking and is a happy 8 year-old kid. His mom said that he said "Mom, I'm better with half a brain than I was with a whole brain!" That's what it's all about Noah. Keep up the good work.
I haven't seen little Darel's parents around the hospital lately, so I guess that the liver transplant recovery went well.
There was a teenage girl who underwent a hemispherectomy yesterday over at Hopkins, and we met her mom. She was so scared. I can't imagine going through this surgery as a teenager. Please say a prayer for her and her mom. We went by ICU to visit today, but we couldn't go in her room to see her.
On a lighter note, I hear that some of you are headed to a Ranger's baseball game tomorrow. That is so exciting that the Ladycats are getting honored and that Jessie gets to be a part of it by proxy. I hear that there may be some pink at the game, so we'll be sure to wear our pink as well. We get to watch the pre-game festivities via a live feed over the internet, so I hope to see all of you tomorrow night. You may not see Jessie, but I promise she'll be watching you!!
I thank God tonight for all of the blessings that have been bestowed upon our family and for all of your support during these difficult times.
This is Miss Heather. She is Jessie's Physical Therapist, and does many things, but focuses a significant amount of time on walking. Today, Jessie got a new customized AFO brace that helps keep her foot at a 90 degree angle...essential for learning how to walk again. She may wear an AFO for the rest of her life, or she may be able to walk someday without it. The guy working on the wheel chair is Mr. Mike. He's giving Jessie's chair a front-end alignment.
This is a view of Jessie's room at KKI. That's Dr. Carson and Coach Thurman (the bunny) hanging up in the background.
Here's Mom and Jessie telling secrets so Dad can't hear. I'm happy that they can share secrets. I hope that they share secrets for the rest of their lives...that's important for moms and daughters.
OK, drum roll please. Monday, Matt cut his hair so that he could look like Jessie, and the picture is finally in. Matt, it looks GREAT!! Jessie is going to feel so good that you sacrificed your hair for her. We're proud of you!!
And Here is the whole crew. Matt, Jake, and Josh climbing rocks in Veedawoo between Laramie and Cheyenne, Wyoming. They still look like they're having a miserable time. Boys!! Mom and Dad love you and we can't wait to see you again soon. We'll be at the Baltimore airport waiting for you on July 1st.
Out to the Playdeck on the 3rd floor of the Children's Center for daily activities. Here Mom and Jessie decorate a visor. This is where Jessie met Macey.
I guess decorating visors is tough business!
Dad and Jessie watching Sponge Bob Square Pants.
Ahhhhhh, Chocolate Ice Cream!! It's good to be free...even if it's just in the hospital cafeteria.
Dr. Dad says "Brain checks out fine. Good Work Dr. Carson and Dr. Vining."
Winner of the Blue Ribbon! Best Decorated Wheel Chair on the 4th Floor!
Jessie's friend Macey. Hi Macey!!
Our Savior! This statue is incredible. It is in the very center of The Johns Hopkins Hospital and stands at least 20 feet tall. The hospital was built around this statue. Maybe that's why this hospital is so blessed and has been for so long? Coincidence?
**Please pray for a little girl named Jill tonight. She has been through so much with Leukemia treatments and has been so brave and strong for years. She is a cute little girl about Jessie's age and you can see the pain in her parents eyes when they talk about her.
God Bless, Cris
Her favorite games were "Whack Daddy in the Face" and "Throw Playdough at the Nurse"!
Kristi tried to get her to drink something and eat some Jello, but she just wasn't up to it. She isn't talking much either. It seems to hurt her to talk and it seems hard for her to bring her thoughts to verbalization. So she uses her hands a lot.
I, using the old "bribe" method told her that I would give her a dollar if she drank some apple juice. She just looked up at me and held up TWO fingers, as if bargaining for a better deal.