Miss Heather carries Jessie to the new treadmill. Heather is in charge of Jessie's PT, so she concentrates on walking again. She is incredible, just like all the therapists here at KKI.

This new split-treadmill is supposed to help Jessie walk better. Very few hospitals in the world have one, Kennedy Krieger being one of them that does. Jessie's not nearly as excited about this piece of equipment as we are.

Jessie loves the playroom. This is Jessie playing with Macey and Lilly.

We keep this next to Jessie's bed so that she can see her friends and we can remind the nurses how she looked before surgery.

Hey, Kristi's college roommate and her family came for a visit today. It was such a treat to see Maura and her kids.

Al, Lynn, and Jody came for a visit as well. It's always a pleasure to see them.
Jessie continues to make advancements each day, and we thank our father in heaven for these blessings.
Tentative Release Date : 07/17/2008 - 3 weeks and counting!!!!
Please say a prayer for Mrs. Wolf and her family, who cares for other people, even when her health is down.
Please pray for Audrey and her parents. Audrey has a tumor in her adrenal gland. Please pray that it not be malignant.
Blessings to all. Cris
This little girl is such an inspiration! I've shared her story with my discleship partners and the men's group at my church. We all continue to pray for her speedy recovery. I think about Jessie every time I ride by Stuard Elementary on my bicycle and see the pink ribbons and "Stuard loves Jessie" on the play ground fence.
In His Grip.
You go Jessie!!! We love you!!!
btw... the girl that Cris asked everyone to pray for is Audrey Jones, a 4yr old from Houston TX. Thanks Cris... you guys are awesome the way you think of others!
Eddie S.
Jessie you are doing great... I know it's hard... but keep up the great work... we love you... susie
A tentative date??
It breaks my heart to see such a precious little girl crying in the midst of all of her pinkness. Jessie, keep up the hard work. You can do it! You are even more beautiful than before with your badges of courage on your sweet head. Kristi, it brought tears to my eyes seeing the angel pocket prayer charm on Jessie's table. I enclosed that in a birthday card for your surprise celebration months ago. You are such a woman of courage, strength and faith. Please know you are all in the hearts and minds of so many all of the time. May God bless and continue to give you strenth, endurance, patience and unending love for Him and His blessings.
Jessie, it broke my heart when I saw you crying on the treadmill but it will all be worth it!! You are doing great!!! Keep it up!! I am glad you have a date for being released!!
P.S. - Make sure Mom and Dad keep taking you to the playroom - it looks like a great place!
Jessie, everytime you have to get on that treadmill, remember that it will help you become able to run around and play with your brothers and friends. Don't give up. Think pink thoughts with every step that youare asked to tape.
To Cris or Chris, could you explain in a blog entry more about the split treadmill and what is the difference between it and a regular treadmill?
I too was wondering too about the split treadmill. I wonder if they can make one side go slower than the other???
Whatever the reason...It's cool that you have state of the art equipment!
Tell Jessie I said thanks!!! Because of her hard work and determination, she has inspired me to get on my treadmill today too!
And believe me when I say I need it too!
So now Jessie is inspiring us to get moving more too!
Only God could be so creative to give me inspiration to get fit again thru the spunk of a 6 yr old in rehab!
Thanks Cris and Kristi for sharing your lives so openly. You have blessed me more than you know because of your openess.
We love you and are praying for great strides today...pun totaly intended!!!
Hugs from Aledo, TX
My troubles pale in comparison to the struggles and successes your family is going through. I am encouraged by you everyday when I read your blog. Jessie, you are loved by so many who are sending prayers non-stop to God for your healing.
Jessie all i can say is baby girl you are doing a great job with the surgery you had done a few weeks .All i can say is God is looking down on you and he is helping you pull thru each day .All i can say is you are one heck of a trooper keep up the good work but also remember take day by day and get some rest , it is awsome to see you up and at it .You just have a few more days until you and your parents see your stinky brothers(LOL) .I look forward to read you blog everyday .Again Jessie keep up the good work and god bless you sweetie .
Man, but did I enjoy the latest blog note about Jessie moving that left arm. To God be praised,and that tells me that Jessie is thinking pink!!! Wahoo!!! And a letter from the President and First Lady--wow, what an honor!!!
I have to look more closely at the link about the split treadmill, but so far, it only tells about the research, but does not describe the machine itself. Hmmm. It is hard for me to see the machine completely, possibly because of the angle at which the picture was taken, but also, I am visually impaired, so I just may be missing details that others can see. But no matter what, it is indeed fortunate that the KKI has this specialized treadmill. This is why I try to contribute to the Johns Hopkins Children's Center almost every year. Any of us who have contributed are seeing our dollars at work as we follow Jessie's progress. This is so cool, and I am incredibly pleased that Jessie is already doing so well in such a short period of time. OK, enough rambling from me.
Vanessa and Griffin (my Seeing Eye dog)
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