There has been so much emphasis on Jessie over the past year, that we tend to forget that we have three other children. Matt (10), Jake(8), and Josh(8) are our other kids, and we love them just a much as Jessie, despite the fact that Jessie gets much more attention. I guess that the sick kid always does.
So, they boys have been on a whirl-wind tour of the US this summer. They started out with my Dad (Cliff - Granddaddy) and stepmom (Gail - Grammy) out at Lake Granbury and then a trip down to San Antonio and finally up to Cheyenne Wyoming, where they dropped off the boys with Kristi's parents in Cheyenne. (Gary - Papa, Nancy - Gramm) They are having an awful time driving tractors, ATVs, and shooting gophers. There supposed to go up in the mountains this weekend. I feel so sorry for them.
They fly over to Baltimore on July 1st for a week to see their little sister. We already miss them so much and are so looking forward to seeing them. They're going to love The Children's House where we are staying. Video Games, toys, preoccupied paradise!
Then they will fly (unaccompanied minor) back to Dallas to be with my Mom (Barbara - Grandma). They are going to be so spoiled by the time we get home, it will take years to get them reprogrammed. Oh, will be a summer that we all remember for the rest of our lives.

Tonight, we met a little girl named Macey out in the playdeck. She is also next door to her in the hospital. She is 6, like Jessie and such a sweet little girl. Her intestines quit working, so they have to feed her IV proteins to keep her alive. The terrible part of this, is that the same proteins that keep her fed and alive are destroying her liver. So her mom has to sit and wait for a miracle. Her daughter is in a life-or-death catch 22. Please take some time to pray for Macey and her Mom and Dad.
Also, Heather Wratchford stopped by to visit Jessie. Well, Heather's daughter and son both have been diagnosed with severe seizure disorders, and they are devastated. Please say a prayer for Heather, her kids, and family.
Good Blessings to All,
I so often think of your boys and wonder how they are doing. Thank you for the update and please let them know they stay in our prayers as well. It must be an odd situation for them in so many ways...they are so young to try to comprehend what is going on. But I guess we all fit that description, only God really understands. What I do see is that you two are undoubtedly remarkable parents to all 4 of your children and beautiful examples of Christianity to us all. May God continue to bless your family.
I know how despereately you must miss your boys. It will be wonderful for your family to reunite in July. From the pictures you've posted they look like they are having the time of their lives - like the Three Muskateers! I believe that God, in His infinite wisdom and grace will allow only memories of a wonderful, adventure filled summer to be embedded in those boys minds. God bless you all.
Mom and Dad
We just got off the tractor. We didn't hit any thing an Gramp is happy
Grampa let me drive too. Is bed time
night Jessie
night mom
night dad
You have an amazing family! The boys
are all so cute. I am sure they miss
you and Jessie. It looks like they
are having a great time. You are so
lucky to have family to watch them,
while you are taking care of Jessie.
I was delighted to see her smile, she is looking so much better. The Dad and Daughter buzz cuts are great!
You and Kristi look so much more rested since the pathology report came back. You are both very brave, it must have been a really hard decision for you. You did the right thing, now Jessie just has to heal!
Thanks for sharing pictures of the boys and for always showing pictures of the little princess! I
keep all of you in my prayers. Also
the families you ask us to pray for. Take care of yourselves. God Bless all of you!
thank you so much. God bless you all. ---heather wratchford
i bet jessie will be very happy to see her brothers! its sweet her brother wants to shave his head too! I will pray for the other little girl too.
Holly Lefevers
I cried reading the short but sweet messages to you from your sons. If I cried, I know you did. It must be hard to be separated like this but know that these boys are also well taken care of and having a great time with their grandparents. I've been keeping up with Jessie's blogs and I keep you all in my prayers. This is such an amazing story, amazing parents, amazing kids. Once many years ago I had a daughter in Johns Hopkins and I know it's hard seeing what all these kids are going through and prayer does help. Mine and my daugther's stay at Johns Hopkins is something I will never forget as the staff was so wonderful and caring and had so much love to give to our children. God Bless sweet Jessie and your whole family. Karen in Baltimore.
Cris, I just wanted you to know that the comment posted Friday to the "Set Back" blog regarding the Aledo softball team that was down 15 to 3 was talking about Casey's All-Star team. That game started at 8:30 p.m. and went into extra innings after 10 p.m. She was exhausted when she got home, but excited by the fact that they came so close to winning. She even scored one of those runs that helped tie the game. Unfortunately, I missed it. Jared has had chicken pox all week (he had been vaccinated). What fun!We're thinking of you guys.
Love, Dianne
Awwww the boys look like they are having so much fun and we all know mom and dad and Jessie love and miss the rest of the family and i know you all can't wait to see each another that will be very nice. We all know Jessie's brother understand what is going on and why mom and dad can't be there right now .There is no one can be in 2 different places at once and them boys know you love them just as much as you love Jessie . That is awsome the one brother wants his hair shaved also i really think he will be very cute .Can't wait to see the pictures.Mom and dad there is nothing wrong with spoiling the kids, the boys know why mom and dad can't be with them right now and they know it's important to be with their baby sister Jessie.I am so glad to see the boys are having so much fun and i can only image seeing the boys faces when they see mom and dad and Jessie . All i can say is it will be AWSOME to have the family reunite July 1 .May god bless the faily and the other familys with sick children god is with you all looking down .I look forward to reading the updated blogs that are posted each day , i feel like i have know this family .I am so happy to see how many people really do care for someone they never met .God Bless and i am looking forward to Saturday blog .Take day by day and get some rest and may god be looking down on everyone .
So glad to hear from you all- glad to hear the boys are doing well- I bet you all will have a ball when they come visit!! Jessie will love it when she sees her big brothers!!I would love to see her face the first time she sees them. We continue to talk about jessie and pray daily for her speedy and healthy recovery!!Can't wait to see you all when you get back to Texas---have a great weekend--the grooms family ........
The pictures of the boys are wonderful!! What a GREAT time they are having!! I am sure that helps with the distance. Having them so far away, the pictures sort of bring the family together!! Thank you again so much for allowing everyone to share in you experience! As I said yesterday, I have never heard of this proceedure and what a miracle it is! It is so wonderful reading the blogs and seeing the continuous prayer and support!
Jane, Samie & Nickie
My name is Brooke and I work with Cyndi Leppky at Hyvee Pharmacy. We are always up to date on Jessie and look forward to your blogs everyday. Your courage and support for your entire family touches my heart and I keep you in my prayers every night. Thank you for the inspiration - God bless!
Watching the three boys run all of the machines was sure a blast! What a great sight that was! Also I can't believe how much they have grown up. As im typing this Matt is critizing my typing ability and making sure I have everything spelled correctly :) What a cousin! Hope all is well and I love you with all my heart! Justin
Hi Jessie,Me and Justin just got back from the golfing range.I hit a ball all the way to the 100 post ,I also hit lots of balls to the 50 post.Justin's girlfreind named Mary came to.Me and Justin had a wonderful time.Dad you are doing a great job on JESSIE'S BLOG.Mom you are doing a good job on helping JESSIE.Tell the helping teacher she is doing a fantastic,marvalas,fantastico,marvalasting,supercallafrassticexpealladoshis,super,wonderful,helpful,funny,jokeful. Jessie I hope you are getting aaaaaa hoooole lot of love
and aaaaa lot ooof encouragement.I know that you are getting your jokes back,here is a joke for you,knok knok, hose there, orange orange, ho I, didn't say, bannana.
your firs brother to be born MATT.Love you truley in my heart.
Hi Mom and Dad,
I think a few lines of Matt's letter went to lala land... Somewhere around the super...wording. He used a bunch of great LONG words. But, you get his meaning.
We all love you so very much.
Gram and Papa
Thank you so much for the update on Matt, Jake, and Josh. It sounds like they are having an incredible summer, and I am so glad that you all will be together soon!! Thank you for sharing Macey with us- her story really hits home for me. I had Colonic Inertia (paralysis of the large intestine), which means that my large intestine completely quit working. My small intestine slowed significantly, affecting nutrient absorption. Medications didn’t help- the only option was a total colectomy (removal of the entire large intestine- 11/26/07). Thankfully, it did the trick. I know Macey’s condition is exponentially more serious…there are so many things that a child should never have to go through, and I will absolutely be praying for her, her parents, and that the Lord would give her doctors wisdom, and some brilliant ideas.
Jessie and family,
I continue to follow your progress, and my prayers continue to be raised for all of you.
to the parents--I am so touched by the fact that not only are you sharing the progress of Jessie, but you are making us aware of the needs of other families. You are sharing with us their trials, triumphs, and yes, even the sad moments when the child of another family dies. What true Christian examples you are. You have your own burdens, yet you are also willing to carry the burdens of people you did not even know until Jessie became a patient at Johns Hopkins. God bless you for your genuine compassion for other in need.
Vanessa in Lutherville
Yes, they certainly look like they are having an awful time! :) Children are a wonderful blessing.
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